La Vie en Rose

"And though I close my eyes I see La vie en rose When you press me to your heart I'm in a world apart A world where roses bloom..."

Location: Canada

I'm a 22 year old ready to make an impression in the world.

Friday, March 17, 2006

Our play is preferred!

If we shadows have offended
think but this and all is mended!
Our play is tonight! Oh my word, I hope that I can remember everything. I just need to stay focus, but apparently our stage slap went really well. I just need to make sure my sleeves are out of the way! I'm so excited, yet scared at the same time, but this is always how I am on the first, or in this case the only, night. There's such an adrenaline rush the first night and then after the show you're just flying on clouds you're so excited!
Break two to all who perform tonight and to those awaiting pictures and a complete story, well wait till sunday for tomorrow I will fly this place and through London's gate am I advised to steal! (shakespeare has probably now rolled over in his grave)!


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