La Vie en Rose

"And though I close my eyes I see La vie en rose When you press me to your heart I'm in a world apart A world where roses bloom..."

Location: Canada

I'm a 22 year old ready to make an impression in the world.

Monday, April 03, 2006

"For I will always be right there..."

Saturday April 1, I hopped on the train to London to see...WHISTLE DOWN THE WIND!! I had booked the tickets (amy and I went) earlier that week at a great price, 25 pounds off the best seat available. So instead of paying 45 pounds I spent 22, because 2 was the internet booking fee. After an uneventful train ride, we arrived in the capital of England. It was a gorgeous day, sunny, 16 degrees, just plain "loverly"! It took us a little while to figure out where the theatre was (we had turned the wrong way but I got some great shots of Trafalgar Square so I was okay) but once we saw this gorgeous sign I knew that life was good. We went into the boxoffice to get our tickets and when I got them my eyes bugged out. We sat in E8 and E9 in the...STALLS! We were five rows from the front!!!!!!!!!! Thank goodness for looking at! Seeing as the musical wasn't starting for another hour we decided to find a spot to eat for supper. On our walk we found the Prince Edward Theatre where mary poppins is playing-I'm seeing it in a week:) Then it was show time....Wow! The singing was astronomical, the set was outstanding, and the two lead roles were so well done! I have heard the songs before but I had always wanted to see it performed! wonderful.
It was a tad uncomfortable at some points in the show, especially during the "snake revival meeting" where people decided to "test their faith" by playing with lethal snakes. very eerie! Yet, the title song "Whistle Down the Wind" was performed so well that I cried. The finale part where swallow sings it alone and then the man joins in...unreal, I had to control myself. I just wow! I thought about staying in my seat until the next performance, but then I'd miss the train home...ugh! Posted by Picasa


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